Welcome to the Lake Travis Middle School PTO!
Check here often for the latest news and events.
Be sure to register below to receive our monthly PTO newsletter and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!
2024 LTMS Round Up
Students and families may tour the building, visit the PTO booth in the cafe, speak with Food and Nutrition as well as Transportation in the cafe and of course, find their locker, and walk their class schedule. This is an important day for kids and parents to familiarize themselves with the building and meet the administration.
Suggested Times:
1:30-2:30-6th Grade
2:30-3:30-7th Grade
3:30-4:30-8th Grade
6th Grade Knight Games
Spread the word! Knight Games is a student only event for our incoming 6th graders. Staff members will lead them in games designed to help them make connections and become familiar with our school before the first day.
You will drop them off at the front doors where they will check in with staff and receive a name tag. Then you will pick up in the bus loop (football field side).
2024-25 LTMS School Supply Kits
- ordering CLOSED July 9 -
If you missed the supply kits ordering window, you can find the school supply lists HERE.
Bulk supplies will ship directly to school. Personal supplies will ship to the student's home. If you have any ordering issues, please reach out to Sprouts directly at help@sproutsupplies.com or call 571-403-0899.
We are always looking for volunteers! When adults volunteer, all students benefit. There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved. Your help is needed!
If you are interested, please reach out to one of our PTO members or to submit your interest, please click here to fill out our form!
Community Partners Program
We seek local business sponsors who wish to partner with us to impact the programs and activities provided to our students and teachers. Through these efforts, we provide gifts to, and fulfill needs for the school that would otherwise be unobtainable. As a valued business sponsor you will be recognized through various benefits depending on the sponsorship level you choose. Sponsorships will be active for a period of one school year and may be renewed on an annual basis. Contact us for information on how to become a sponsor today!
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, April 18
- Thursday, May 22
- Friday, May 23
- Monday, May 26
Community Partners 2023-2024
The PTO greatly appreciates the following businesses that have been generous with their support. Please help us return the favor by visiting their business establishments and paying it forward!