The LTMS PTO conducts periodic Executive Board Meetings. These meetings are closed to the general membership; however, meeting agendas, minutes, and treasurer report will be posted here at the end of each month for membership review.


The LTMS PTO also conducts several General Membership Meetings throughout the year.  Meetings are held at LTMS immediately following the monthly Principal's Coffee.  Each meeting is important, and we would love to see you there.


Approved Regular Scheduled Meetings






Meeting Minutes & Agendas

2023-24 LTMS PTO Meeting Minutes & Agendas

2022-23 LTMS PTO Meeting Minutes & Agendas

2021-22 LTMS PTO Meeting Minutes & Agendas




LTMS PTO 2024-2025 Approved Budget (May 2024)

LTMS PTO 2023-2024 Approved Budget (April 2023)

LTMS PTO 2022-2023 Approved Budget

LTMS PTO 2021-22 Amended Budget (21 Apr 22)

LTMS PTO 2021-22 Approved Budget

By-Laws, Standing Rules & Conflict of Interest


LTMS PTO By-Laws Adopted May 2023

LTMS PTO Standing Rules Adopted May 2023

LTMS PTO Conflict of Interest April 2009



LTISD Parent Organization Handbook 2022-23

Upcoming Events


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