2024-2025 Officer and Chairperson Positions

Please review the list of current open positions below and let us know if you are interested or have any questions regarding the Board Descriptions. These positions can be held by teams, so tag a friend and split the work!   We welcome and encourage all to get involved.  To share your interest with us, please Click here!



President - Amy Hanken president@ltmspto.org

Vice President - Tish Mojas vicepresident@ltmspto.org

Treasurer - Melanie Lockhard treasurer@ltmspto.org

Secretary - Kristin Roland secretary@ltmspto.org

6th Grade Reps - Kristin Roland and Christol Farris 6thgrade@ltmspto.org

7th Grade Reps - DeShea Fellin and Lana Mistretta 7thgrade@ltmspto.org

8th Grade Reps - Melanie Lockhart and Brooke Williams 8thgrade@ltmspto.org



Sponsorship/Fundraising Coordinator - Kristin Roland and Natalie Tanase fundraising@ltmspto.org

Membership/Volunteer Coordinator - Kamila Radford membership@ltmspto.org

Communications - Michelle Lovering communications@ltmspto.org



Day of Service Coordinator - Carrie Clemons dayofservice@ltmspto.org


Round Up/Spirit Store Coordinator - Whitney Hengstebeck and Tahra Boatright roundup@ltmspto.org

Social Media Coordinator -  socialmedia@ltmspto.org

Staff Appreciation Committee - Kate Hawkins and Natalie Tanase sac@ltmspto.org

Website - Kate Lennox webmaster@ltmspto.org

Welcoming/Principal's Coffee - Alison Jesus and Jen Hurt welcoming@ltmspto.org

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